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Covachem/TCEP-HCL/11303-1/1 gram
来自 : 发布时间:2025-03-09

TCEP Product Description

Tris(2-carboxyethyl) phosphine (TCEP, also known as TCEP-HCL) is an odorless reducing agent frequently used to reduce cysteine-cysteine disulfide bonds in proteins and to reduce disulfide bonds in DTSSP (CovaChem 13304) or DSP (CovaChem 13303) crosslinked proteins. TCEP is also an excellent reagent of choice for the complete removal of disulfide containing biotinylation reagents, such as Sulfo-NHS-SS-Biotin (CovaChem 14207) TCEP is a potent and fast acting reducing agent, with effective sample reduction occurring in as little as 5 minutes at room temperature. This reagent is highly water soluble, can be used in a wide pH range (pH = 1.5-8.5), and is used in a variety of biological buffers. TCEP is compatible with most applications where disulfide reductions is required, and selectively reacts with S-S bonds, while remaining non-reactive towards other protein functional groups. TCEP usually does not need to be removed by desalting prior to further thiol (-SH) reactions, such as with Maleimide conjugation or reactions with Iodoacetyl reagents.

Package Sizes: 1 gram, 5 grams, 25 grams, 100 grams

Product Numbers: 11303-1, 11303-5, 11303-25, 11303-100

Product Name: TCEP

Alternative Names: TCEP; TCEP-HCl; TCEP Hydrochloride; Tris(2-carboxyethyl) phosphine HCl; CAS# 51805-45-9; C9H15O6P


Appearance: White Solid

Purity: is ≥ 99%

Water Solubility: is ≥ 300 mg/mL

Storage: 4 °C, protected from moisture

Properties Physical State: Solid

CAS#: 51805-45-9

Chemical Formula: C9H15O6P

Molecular Weight: 286.6

Additional Product Information:TCEP HCl Product Information BulletinTCEP HCl MSDS

本文链接: http://covachem.immuno-online.com/view-1455144221.html

发布于 : 2025-03-09 阅读()